Salt Tolerant Trees and Shrubs for Jacksonville

Salt Tolerant Trees and Shrubs for Jacksonville(PDF)

(* denotes native, E=evergreen)

  • Crape Myrtles
  • Japanese Loquat/Eriobotrya japonica
  • Live Oak/Quercus virginiana*E
  • Myrcianthes fragrans/Simpson’s Stopper*E
  • Atlantic White Cedar/Chamaecyparis thyoides *E
  • Yaupon Holly/Ilex vomitoria *E
  • Florida privet/Forestiera segregata *
  • Wild Olive/Osmanthus americanus *E
  • Shumard Oak/Quercus shumardii *
  • Willow Oak/Quercus phellos *
  • Wax Myrtle/Myrica cerifera *E
  • Inkberry/Ilex glabra *E
  • Jerusalem thorn/Parkinsonia aculeata
  • Red Maple/Acer rubrum *
  • Sweetgum/Liquidambar styraciflua *
  • Riverbirch/Betula nigra *
  • Hackberry/Celtis occidentalis*
  • Bald Cypress/Taxodium distichum*
  • Southern Red Cedar/Juniperus virginiana *E
  • Dahoon Holly/Ilex cassine *
  • Southern Magnolia/Magnolia Grandiflora *E drops big leaves
  • Christmas Berry/Lycium carolinianum *E
  • Red Mulberry/Morus rubra *
  • Scrub Oak/Quercus inopina *
  • Coastal Leucothoe *E
  • Pineapple Guava/Acca sellowiana E
  • Crataegus flava/Summerhaw *E
  • Crabapple/Malus *
  • Chickasaw Plum/Prunus angustifolia *
  • Serviceberry/Amelanchier arborea *
  • Gingko biloba
  • Canary Palm E
  • Bismarkia Palm E
  • Titi/Cyrilla racemiflora *
  • Loblolly Pine/Pinus taeda *E
  • Ficus ‘Green Island’ E