LBGC Grants Proposal – (submit to Grants Chair)
☐ Project Description
☐ Is the Grant recipient a 501 C-3/Non-Profit Organization?
☐ Total Amount Requested: Total Project Cost:
☐ How does this project support LBGC mission?
☐ Other Sources of Funding (names & amounts):
☐ How will LBGC funds be used?
☐ Project Benchmarks/Feedback?
Estimated Start Date:
Estimated Completion Date:
☐ How will project be maintained?
☐ How will LBGC members be involved?
☐ Recognition Opportunities?
Grant requests under $5,000 require signature of one member*
Grant request of $5,000 - $9,999 require signature of two members*
Grants $10,000 or more require signatures of three members*
(*active or associate)
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________________________________ Date _______________________________
________________________________ Date _______________________________